Thursday, March 16, 2017

Vulnerable in Birth

When your determined anything is possible. In birth women defy odds daily. This Momma did what most hope to do.

"I am pregnant". "I am so excited I can't wait to start showing". says the new and excited first time Mom. I was so full of joy for her knowing that this was something she was waiting for and anticipating.

"I'm 40 weeks and nothing is happening" says Momma. I remember having to remind her to Please don't worry just continue to walk, have intercourse if you can tolerate it, use the yoga ball, do some squats and prepare for a marathon each day through great meals, hydration and rest when your able.

As I get the call they have to schedule an induction I could hear the sadness in her voice. the sound of defeat. " In no way have you been defeated. You did great you ROCKED this pregnancy. We can continue to work in hopes that Baby will decide to grace us with her presence or she may not want to come out. Can you imagine being in a warm space, your mother sing to you every day and rock you through constant movement, you hear a rhythmic heart beat that is soothing to you. Why would you want to come out?

As I enter the room to check on Momma I could her the family conversation and enjoying each others company. I remember thinking this baby will have so much love around her. As we tried to beat the clock Baby Girl was not interested. We listened to beautiful worship music as Momma pray and ask God to please use me, strengthen me. Hearing her sweet voice in the most delicate way communicate with our God almighty, our creator you could see how genuine her heart was and how vulnerable she was in that moment. With the room busy and people coming in an out asking questions and typing on the computer she still managed to labor in a peaceful way. You could see the discomfort on her face as she was hit with each contraction like a wave. Each contraction attempted to make her give but never did she cave Momma stood strong determine to have her natural birth. Breathing with every wave and napping in between when she could I could see moments of concern on her husbands face. Every question serious with much concern. I had to remind him this is an natural part of birth. Labor is work and her body has to go through this experience. Ever so often he will ask the question is this okay? Should he feel this way?

We get in the tub with the jets going while the sweet lavender aroma fills the room and soft worship music plays in the background Mom floats around in the water and sings softly. Relaxed and able to manage her thoughts. The Dr's come in to check progress and inform her of options. we are on to Pitocin. After everything has started I remind them sometimes baby need a little nudge. She really isn't interested in coming out. After we  have walk the halls, squats, sat on the toilet used the yoga ball used roobozo finally the birth stool evicted her from the womb.

Baby girl head peaks out while Mom is on the birth stool and the nurse has to hold babies head as Mom moves to the bed. Okay Now sit up and lets help her out. Momma exhausted but determined pushes for 15 minutes and welcomes her Baby Girl into this beautiful family. The Love that filled the room was so overwhelming and pure. Tears and kisses flowed freely with such joy and excitement. You could see reality over take Dad. Its that quite moment when they see baby for the first time it is obvious he realized this is real. I AM A FATHER. 

Baby Girl was eager to eat and exited to meet her Momma once out. So sweet and beautiful Precious Baby Girl E...

Welcome to the wonderful world. You are  going to make a difference you have a purpose because Your Mother will make sure of it. God has a hand on you because your family is a praying family.

God Bless this Family and Baby Girl....
This was a beautiful and inspiring birth. This story has to be shared.

Determination, Love and support is what made it all happen for this Momma.

Tunisia Macklin
Peaceful Birthing Doula
Educate, Encourage, Empower and Serving Women

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