Friday, March 27, 2020

Myth busting on Preparing for Birth and natural induction. Does it work??? How?

Myth Busting 

I am not a Dr. I am not suggesting for you to go against Dr. orders or suggestions. I am supplying you with information that will help you make an inform decision. I believe for every medical intervention there is a natural way. We must remember pharmaceutical drugs originated from somewhere. Before there was big pharma there was the Herbalist and Healer in the villages and towns. God created all things for us to use in some capacity. 

Over the years as a practicing Doula, Massage therapist, placenta encapsulation and Women's Health and Wellness herbalist, I have had many clients ask questions about preparing for labor and birth; or how to avoid medical induction. As I have supported more families, I have noticed consistently there has been some things that has stood out in terms of have a successful experience in natural induction.

Today’s blog will be about 2 common natural labor prep/induction methods. 

Myth or fact: For generations Midwives and village medicine people have advised women to consume many things like foods, fruits and herbs?  FACT

There are a couple natural induction methods that stood out to me. To date they are currently used and have been found by many women to be effective.  The big question is what the science behind it is and does it truly work. If you are pregnant this is about more than getting this baby out. Lol! though I know that is the end game, it is about understanding what this is doing to you and your body. Women have for generations been advised by people on what to do. Some are not qualified to offer advise but it doesn't necessarily stop them. So, lets figure this thing out.

 Finally, her are your answers. Also, you will find listed below references to all information provided. 

Have you been told about the benefits of Dates and Red raspberry leaf tea? If not let’s change that now. 


If you have a sweet tooth, then this is the fruit for you. The date originates from the Date Palm Tree. Dates are a natural form of sugar. Dried dates are the better option over any chocolate or ice cream fix you may be looking for. Something to remember. when you are craving something it typically means your body is looking for the healthier version of that craving. Example: If your craving chocolate, your body is probably craving magnesium. 

Dates are packed with Folate. this is great because it can reduce the chances of birth defects. Iron is great for preventing anemia, Vitamin K great to give you and baby strong bones and Potassium helps to relax the blood vessels and lower blood pressure. It is also known for giving a very fatigued pregnant Mommy some much need energy. 

Researchers discovered that the women who ate six dates a day for 4 weeks had a shorter first stage of labor, a higher cervical dilatation, and more had intact membranes upon arrival at the hospital. (In other words, their cervix was riper for giving birth.) ( 

Now remember most are consuming Dates in a dried state. Dried Dates like all fruit can increase your caloric intake and are high in sugar. So, you need to be careful if you are a diabetic or have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes. You must stay safe and monitor your consumption of dates and limit them to no more than 6 daily. 

Don't worry there are other options if this one doesn't fit you. 

I have experienced many Beautiful Mommies sit around and pop these sweet things with fingers crossed hoping to help have a beautiful intervention free birth with little discomfort.

Red Raspberry Leaf Tea

We also, have Red Raspberry leaf tea. This is delicious and very helpful for many reasons. Whether you’re pregnant attempting to get the party started by naturally inducing your labor or you are simply looking to have a healthy womb, this tea can help. Ok let’s get into the beauty of Red Raspberry leaf tea.

 Red Raspberry leaf tea is an AMAZING herb. This beauty is considered a woman's herb. PLEASE DO NOT consume during the 1st trimester in large amounts. If you do please no more than one cup daily. Red can help men as well. Their benefit is to increase fertility. Red Raspberry leaf tea also is known as Rubus Idaeus she is a volatile oil this means she is aromatic, she is also an antiseptic, anti-microbial this all means she can help fight off infections. She is also known for use of Urinary tract infections. Red can stimulate nerve ending to relieve stress. She is also a Tannin. Tannins can bind proteins that are present in the skin and mucous membrane. This protein is Albumin. Tannins treat irritation, inflammation. She is also filled with Polyphenols; she can help cells from being damaged.  

Wow!! I feel like I said a mouth full. There is more. Raspberry leaves contain fragarine, a plant compound that helps tone and tighten muscles in the Pelvic area, including the walls of your uterus, this can help make delivery easier and may reduce the menstrual cramping caused by the spasms of these muscles.

Red contains Vitamin B (Folate), C - ascorbic acid, is necessary for the growth, development and repair of all body tissues. It's involved in many body functions, including formation of collagen, absorption of iron, the immune system, wound healing, and the maintenance of cartilage, bones, and teeth, Potassium, magnesium- reduces blood pressure, improve mood, reduce anxiety, reduce blood sugar, reduce risk if heart disease and improve migraine recovery, zinc-may effectively reduce inflammation, boost immune health, reduce your risk of age-related diseases, speed wound healing and improve acne symptoms. Phosphorus- build strong teeth, manage how your body stores and uses energy, reduce muscle pain after exercise, filter out waste in your kidneys, grow, maintain, and repair tissue and cells, produce DNA and RNA — the body's genetic building blocks, Iron -prevent anemia, including general energy and focus, gastrointestinal processes, the immune system, and the regulation of body temperature, Calcium is required for vascular contraction and vasodilation, muscle function, nerve transmission, intracellular signaling and hormonal secretion, and antioxidants.

While red raspberry leaf tea is typically recommended for the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, some women use Red to help with nausea and vomiting in the first trimester as well. The American Pregnancy Association also states that drinking the tea may reduce the need for interventions during childbirth. It also helps to bring down the placenta and help produce breastmilk. It can stop diarrhea and hemorrhaging.

Research suggests that the most optimal time to start drinking red raspberry leaf tea is at 32 weeks gestation. One study showed that taking 2.4 mg per day of red raspberry leaf in tablet form appears to be safe. As a tea, 1–3 cups per day are appropriate ( It’s recommended to limit your intake to 1 cup per day if you choose to consume it earlier in pregnancy. (

Like all things you should consume it in moderation. However, if your experiencing any side effects after drinking the tea please stop consuming this Beauty. Everything isn't for everyone. If you experience Braxton Hicks contractions during pregnancy or have spotting in the second or third trimesters, you should also discontinue use.

I get excited every time I discuss beautiful herbs so if it was to much information I apologize. I hope you find this information helpful.

If your in need of a Doula or Placenta Encapsulator or Women’s Health and Wellness Herbalist please do not hesitate to call or email.


Peaceful Birthing Doula

Educate, Encourage, Empower and Serving Women

