Monday, November 9, 2015

Birthing from with in

Birthing from within

Every woman has her level of strength and pain tolerance. One thing I have noticed is no matter how strong or how intolerant you are to pain every woman will finish the race. Many say “labor and deliver is much like a marathon”. I can say” for some it may be a great comparison”. One thing is for sure No one has ever said I just couldn’t do it, I’ll try next time or I just didn’t know what to do. Can you imagine carrying your baby for 10 more months to try and do it again?

Delivering a baby may need some instruction or even a little bit of detail. No matter what you think baby will come out with or without your help. For some delivery is effortless. For example, I had a wonderful Mom who I worked with for her and her Husband first delivery. They called me for their second delivery and I was more than honored to be a part of this joyous occasion. This Mom has a background of athleticism and working out throughout her pregnancies. We created a game plan for the second delivery. Baby was determined to meet her parents as they were determined to meet her. I must say I didn’t know what to expect for this delivery however I will say this was the fastest delivery of all time and without much work. This Mom only pushed once and the princess came right out.

What most don’t realize is if you can find that mental peace during labor, allow your body to work for you and get in a great position your body will do what it was designed to do. If this isn’t your story that’s fine, because one thing you all do share is the end of the delivery you will never be the same.

Delivery will change you. It doesn’t matter if you labored for 1 hour or 60 hours. It doesn’t matter if you had a vaginal delivery or cesarean the results are the same. You will be changed for life. You are now a new woman. You my dear have put the WO in WO-MAN. You will be the most confident, resilient, strong and accomplished than you have ever been. Men cannot fathom carrying, delivery or caring for a child as we do. Who better to do it than you?

We have to remember we are strong and courageous. Do Not allow the thought of labor and delivery to overwhelm you. You can do it. Remember that you have support. Lean on the people around you. Focus on your inner strength. Think of what you are working for. Labor is what it Is, work. There is no way around it. Know that you were created to carry, labor, deliver and Love your Baby.

You can do this. Birthing is something that comes from within you. Get it?  Birthing comes from within?

Okay beautiful Mommies remember love yourself, love your baby, love your belly.

Enjoy these moment and journal to remind yourself of the precious kits, punches and movements.

To hire labor or postpartum support call

Have a great day!!
Tunisia Macklin
Peaceful Birthing Doula
Educate, Encourage, Empower and Serving Women

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