The moment I spoke with Mrs. B I knew This Momma was not
having any mess. I remember her voice clear as if she called me today. I want a
natural birth. My first birth was nothing like I thought it should be. I want to
have a choice this birth. I was in Love with this process. This momma was
determined, sure and well researched on her options and hospital procedure.
Mrs. B knew that she was having a Midwife at a hospital that would allow her to
labour and manage with little disruptions. I wondered, “well who is your
Midwife?” I will get right on doing the research about who she is and the
hospital numbers. I must have forgotten who I was speaking with for a brief
moment because all that had already been done.
“I will have Chanelle as my Midwife she delivers out of
Highland Park Hospital”. “Ok!” Is all I can say. This Momma was quiet the short
time I had to work with her. It was funny she decided to call me at 36 weeks.
It seemed like time went by so fast. I remember I get a call
from Mrs. B, I been having contractions. I head over and her son lingers around
with the look of concern. The husband is waiting for the word when to head out.
Little did I know quiet and conservative Dad would be in a fast zippy car
driving like NASCAR with a Sister driving equally as fast with plenty quick
maneuvers for the slow in tow. The ride to the hospital was interesting to say
the least. Ha!
We arrived at the hospital after a few hours of labouring at
home. Dad was great slow dancing with Mom and rubbing her back. Finally, I
remember the face of seriousness. I need to go now. Which is what made us head
to the hospital with such haste. As we entered the room I pull out the birth
plan and Dad and I go over really quick the details before the staff start to
come in and get started. Mom was adamant about a few things. 1. No IV, 2. No
mention of epidural 3. No interruptions and 4. No in and out. 5. Squat
delivery. Chanelle and I start to get Mom prepared because things were
progressing well.
I will never forget this birth. Hip rocks, hip squeezes,
slow dances and back massages while moving freely to the beat of her music in a
dimly lite room with the most beautiful wilderness music. I remember telling
her “Birth is the most primitive thing you will ever encounter. No matter what
you want to do relax, take a deep breath and allow your body’s natural rhythm
to take over. Your body will naturally birth this baby if you allow it. Oh Boy!
My beautiful VBAC Warrior heard me and with little effort squatted in the
middle of her delivery room floor between her husband’s legs using him for
support as Chanelle kneeling watches her Mrs. B baby Boy slide out. With tears
in Mom and Dad’s eyes and the most beautiful warriors cry to do the final push
to meet their baby Boy and my heart dropped. She did it. I was so excited that she
far surpassed the birth she expected. This was an absolutely beautiful effort
from everyone but more important this Mom knew her body could do it and her
body responded with matched determination.
My VBAC Warrior made my eyes open more about how beautiful
birth can be not just because of the delivery, but the endurance, drive and
determination that was women have in us to allow our body to do the most
natural thing it can do. BIRTH….
I hope you too will realize that your body can do it no
matter what doubt you have because of what you read or heard. There is a
difference in being cautious and afraid. Fear is a hindrance unless you have a
medical reason to not have a VBAC.
If you are looking to have a VBAC or just have the Best Bold
Birth you can possibly have for you and your family go to www.peacefulbirthingdoula.com
#peacefulbirth #peacefulbirthingdoula #VBACWARRIORS