Tuesday, April 26, 2016




The moment I spoke with Mrs. B I knew This Momma was not having any mess. I remember her voice clear as if she called me today. I want a natural birth. My first birth was nothing like I thought it should be. I want to have a choice this birth. I was in Love with this process. This momma was determined, sure and well researched on her options and hospital procedure. Mrs. B knew that she was having a Midwife at a hospital that would allow her to labour and manage with little disruptions. I wondered, “well who is your Midwife?” I will get right on doing the research about who she is and the hospital numbers. I must have forgotten who I was speaking with for a brief moment because all that had already been done.

“I will have Chanelle as my Midwife she delivers out of Highland Park Hospital”. “Ok!” Is all I can say. This Momma was quiet the short time I had to work with her. It was funny she decided to call me at 36 weeks.

It seemed like time went by so fast. I remember I get a call from Mrs. B, I been having contractions. I head over and her son lingers around with the look of concern. The husband is waiting for the word when to head out. Little did I know quiet and conservative Dad would be in a fast zippy car driving like NASCAR with a Sister driving equally as fast with plenty quick maneuvers for the slow in tow. The ride to the hospital was interesting to say the least. Ha!

We arrived at the hospital after a few hours of labouring at home. Dad was great slow dancing with Mom and rubbing her back. Finally, I remember the face of seriousness. I need to go now. Which is what made us head to the hospital with such haste. As we entered the room I pull out the birth plan and Dad and I go over really quick the details before the staff start to come in and get started. Mom was adamant about a few things. 1. No IV, 2. No mention of epidural 3. No interruptions and 4. No in and out. 5. Squat delivery. Chanelle and I start to get Mom prepared because things were progressing well.

I will never forget this birth. Hip rocks, hip squeezes, slow dances and back massages while moving freely to the beat of her music in a dimly lite room with the most beautiful wilderness music. I remember telling her “Birth is the most primitive thing you will ever encounter. No matter what you want to do relax, take a deep breath and allow your body’s natural rhythm to take over. Your body will naturally birth this baby if you allow it. Oh Boy! My beautiful VBAC Warrior heard me and with little effort squatted in the middle of her delivery room floor between her husband’s legs using him for support as Chanelle kneeling watches her Mrs. B baby Boy slide out. With tears in Mom and Dad’s eyes and the most beautiful warriors cry to do the final push to meet their baby Boy and my heart dropped. She did it. I was so excited that she far surpassed the birth she expected. This was an absolutely beautiful effort from everyone but more important this Mom knew her body could do it and her body responded with matched determination.

My VBAC Warrior made my eyes open more about how beautiful birth can be not just because of the delivery, but the endurance, drive and determination that was women have in us to allow our body to do the most natural thing it can do. BIRTH….

I hope you too will realize that your body can do it no matter what doubt you have because of what you read or heard. There is a difference in being cautious and afraid. Fear is a hindrance unless you have a medical reason to not have a VBAC.


If you are looking to have a VBAC or just have the Best Bold Birth you can possibly have for you and your family go to www.peacefulbirthingdoula.com

#peacefulbirth #peacefulbirthingdoula #VBACWARRIORS


Thursday, April 7, 2016

Beautiful Zen Birth

Beautiful Zen Birth
I call this Momma  Zen. Ha! "I would like to have contractions called waves or surges please." I remember walking away and I knew that this birth would be calm and beautiful. When I heard they had a Midwife I knew this would be a birth that I would never forget. the provider can really make a difference.

The day has come and I received the call. I arrived and I remember thinking their home reminded me of contemporary country living. I am greeted by the Dad who is nervous and anxious. I ask him how is she doing? He answered concerned but calm "strong". I sneaker. I can see mom laboring strong on the side of the bed with her room set for labouring. I enter her room and immediately drop my bags and get to work. My little Zen momma is determined to meet her little princess Gulianna. She is 5 days before her estimated due date. The soon to be Grand Ma so excited comes to collect the excited pups that has so much excitement because they know something is happening. I have Mom on the yoga ball for pelvic rolls, ice chips soft music and the most beautiful and aromatic lavender. Dad patiently and eagerly awaiting instructions comes over and rubs my back and in a soft voice says "that smells so good. Thanks". I was so pleased to see the look of relief on Moms face after breathing in the lavender. Watching Mom breath and Dad move so quietly around the room as he wait for my next set of instructions was so endearing to observe.

Time was near we had approach 5-1-1. I told Mom to let me know when she was ready.  Normally, I would start to head over but this Mom is so confident and in tune with her body. As that final surge passed mom looks at Dad and says I think its time. To see the softest and concerned look in Dads eyes showed excitement but a level of concern. I remember him rubbing her back and saying to her in the sweetest Italian filled accent "Your doing so good babe."

We arrived at the hospital with birth plan in hand and update staff on terms to use. I set up the room. we start in the shower, guided meditation/visualization, soft music and dark room. I start the lavender and prepare mom to experience every wave. Chanelle her Midwife enters the room and I notice how hands off and caring she was toward the mom and dad. I had a feeling this will not be the typical hospital midwifery delivery.

I hear my favorite words "I feel like I need to push". I notice my friend determination and drive have shown up and  I am eager to match them as they arrive. This Mom is pushing with so much drive, determination and resilience. We worked on relaxing and allowing her body do what's natural. momma Zen breathing and focusing on with every breath breathing the princess out. I have her visualize a wave of water washing over her body and as the wave starts to relax and breath. I love it. You can see Dad eyes light up with so much Joy as he realizes he is going to be meeting Gulianna in a few seconds. Being here apart of this family experiencing life, Joy and love all in a split instance is so heart warming and overwhelming.

Being a Doula is such a Blessing and being able to observe and be a part of a family new Journey is a Gift. I Thank each family. Each family push me to be great and be the best doula I can be.

Let's write your birth story.  

Tunisia Macklin
Peaceful Birthing Doula
Educate, Encourage, Empower and Serving Women