Monday, January 8, 2018

Wait what?

Wait What?

Today was an amazing day. As a birth worker we always enjoy the experience of laboring with families and having amazing births. You ask what is an amazing birth consist of? Well, an amazing birth is when a Mom is strong in mind, she know her limits and she is willing and able do the simple thing allow her body to work. We of course know the Birth itself is amazing that goes without saying.
Mrs. P is due September 17th and she apparently had the time of her life the past few days due to the most wonderful birthday celebration with her Husband. It is funny how when I first met them I was left with a lot of unanswered questions, do they like me? will they hire me? what did they think of me? They were a very pleasant couple. It was very clear Mrs. P will have the final word. If you knew this Mom you would believe all her words are the final word. this mom is not just beautiful and pregnant she is brilliant and has a very suddle since of humor.

As time past during the pregnancy I was excited and wonder what to expect with this couple. I was under the assumption that I would have plenty of time to prepare for their big day. This handsome little fella didn't think I needed to prepare.

I knew my holiday weekend would be a blast I just didn't know what would make it a blast. Lol!!
I was just finished breakfast as the phone starts to ring. I hear her say "I am leaking fluid and the midwife says to come to the hospital to get checked". I was having contractions last night". Ok! So,here is how the holiday is starting. I inform them it could be amnio fluid or baby could be on bladder once they test the fluid call me and let me know what they tell you. I know it could go either way, I just decided it is time to get ready. I was not sure what to expect but I knew I need to be ready just in case. My next call was being told that they were being admitted and to come to hospital.

This is a holiday weekend heading into Chicago. This was the biggest joke ever. It literally took forever. I made it and Mom labor had started without any assistance. I was excited because we were able to avoid any induction. Even thou she wasn't excited about the discomfort, she was definitely excited that she was able to avoid the Pitocin. The birth plan was clear, it appears that her request was heard in the heavens because there was no need to induce. Everything has started naturally. The labor is full force and has gone from 0 to 60 in the time it took me to commute to the hospital. This Mom was strong and hanging in there as best she could.

It was clear that Dad was concerned for his beautiful Wife. She sat on the edge of the bed working on her breath as I entered the room. The contraction were a little more than she would have liked. I immediately drop my bags to start working on making her comfortable. Baby was clearly in a not so favorable position. I remember the look she gave me of relief . We did everything we could to give her comfort. Baby wasn't interested in moving to make Mom feel any better. Back labor is our culprit. Oh! how I dislike back labor. Immediately, we go hands and knees with a bit of rebozo  and some hip squeezes. I was sure this would be our remedy. This little bundle wasn't interested in moving right away. After a while it was clear this labor is progressing and Mom is dilating at a steady rate.  Our issue would still be the contractions that are at 2 minutes long and a steady 5 minutes apart.

She is interested in her options after we weren't able to get relief from the contractions. I remind her no matter what your choice this is your birth. You need to do what is best for you and baby and if you need to have assistance relaxing then you should do what is best.

Mom is comfortable and resting now. Before we knew it she went from 6cm to 8cm and 30 minutes after she was complete and ready to push. Finally Baby is cooperating with us. Baby comes out and to have been in this room at that very moment was such a joy. There were so many emotions and Love in the room. This Mom and Dad were a picture of Love.

The Birthing room was filled with such Love and Joy. I had to contain my tears so I could help the family. Every family has their moment that is a very emotional birth and every time I am affected and it always feel like it is the very first time I have every supported a family. I love being there for family.

This family was wonderful and full fun and Love. I can't wait to see them along with our little handsome bundle of Joy that caused this Beautiful mom a little trouble.

Tunisia Macklin
Peaceful Birthing Doula
Educate, Encourage, Empower and Serving Women

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