Sunday, September 23, 2018

Rejoice a Child is Born

Today I am fresh off of a very special birth. I love every birth experience. This Momma I supported I have known her for 10 years she started out as my massage client. I remember meeting her for the first time. She wanted a massage but was nervous about undressing. It took a while and finally I gained her trust. We began to grow a friendship and now here we are September 23, 2018 at 9:39am I supported and witnessed my friend and client at her strongest time of her life. She would speak to me about her ideas of having a different birth from her first. She desired to be more confident, more in control and more aware of what was happening.

After speaking to me and asking questions to educate herself she decided she would like me to be apart of her 2nd birth. I was so honored. I know this was a huge decision for her and her Husband. I was ready to take on the task of supporting my friend as she persued Birthing her way. I assured her that she was fit and her days at curves workout center would be very helpful to her.

I spoke with them Friday about the plans as to how they wanted to labor. We discussed what room will be more comfortable, what was her vision of the labor and birth. Both her and her Husband were confident about one thing not experience birth the same as her first birth.  We discussed being patient, relaxing and communicating with me as labor progress.

I received a call about possible leaking amnio fluid. I wasn't convinced and believed it was urine. We laughed about the urine. I hear stories of the acupuncture session. I then receive a message at 11:30pm giving me a heads up on contractions and mucus plug coming out. After a shower and some rest our morning started at 7am. This Momma was up and laboring strong. I hear concern in her Husband voice and receive a message as I arrive to their house of leaving to go to hospital. I get in there and I see a momma who is laboring strong. I also notice this momma is pushing I learned from a midwife friend to check birth line and I could really see in the lighting so I start hip squeezes. I get her to calm down and a HUGE contraction that changed the course of her labor. I call for her Husband start the car we need to go. As her father comes in and her Princess is hanging around to see if her Momma was ok. They assured her everything was okay and she was ready to hear if she had a Little Brother or Sister.

We arrived at Hinsdale Hospital at 8:52am. I park their vehicle and head in to the room.I walk in the room and find Mom hands and knees and groaning in labor. the Midwife has her change position and we start the pushing 40 minutes of strong pushing and determination Baby Jordan was born 9/23 yes 23 like Michael Jordan. There was a room full of Joy and peace as Dad announced the sex and cute the cord. Observing him hug Momma and reassure her that she was beautiful, strong and he was so proud of her.

Baby Jordan was eager to start feeding. He had a strong suck and made Momma proud. though you really can not plan a births outcome you can do everything possible to ensure few to no issues. This family stayed positive and confident during the entire experience.

I Loved supporting this family and look forward to watching this family grow.

Peaceful Birthing Doula
Educate, Encourage, Empower and Serving Women


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