Friday, January 20, 2017

Wow Factor!!!

WOW factor!!!

When I describe this couple the words that come to mind is WOW, exciting, loving and fun! From the moment I met them I knew they would be fun. I never knew exactly what to expect with them but one thing I knew is that they would be fun. This couple was so cute and in Love. Their story was one for the books. I giggle every time I think of their story of friendship, courtship and marriage.

I start what I thought would be a normal day. I was at a potential clients house wrapping up their first prenatal appointment when I get a call from the Mom. She was so calm "I'm just calling you to give you a heads up, I had a contraction". "I don't think you would have to be in a hurry just letting you know". I thought I would have plenty of time to finish up. I guess that is what I get for thinking. Lol!
I ask my normal questions. how do you feel? how far a part are they? where do you feel them?
I have never heard a mom in labor laughing and joking like this joyful Mom. Dad is in the back ground excited and ready to meet his Baby Boy. I could hear him speaking and laughing as well. Clearly, they did something that got the party started a little sooner. All I will say is Oxytocin is a wonderful hormone. The Midwife calls me to check in and see what my take is on the situation. We both agree we should head out. I will head to client and she will meet us at the hospital.

Every client is special and this one proves to be more than that. I told her she would give birth like a rock start after we met. I never knew that she would leave me at a loss for words. As I'm heading out to there place the husband calls me laughing still with music in the back ground saying "we may need to go straight to the hospital". As I'm speaking with them the midwife is calling telling me she just spoke with them and she advised them to go straight to the hospital.
"WAIT... WHAT??Okay!

Everyone arrives to the hospital except me. I'm still in route. I remember the midwife called me with what felt like every 15 minutes. I have never seen her so rushed. This was different for us both. Usually, I would have time and I could stop and get my regular Starbucks Venti Emperors Cloud tea and lemon loaf. As I am coming up on the Starbucks I call the midwife. " Hey I'm passing the Starbucks would you like something". I remember she said with a snicker. " Girl you better not stop this baby is coming now, we just arrived at the same time and Mom is 7cm and bag is bulging. I think I instantly started to speed all the way there. I began to get the details on Mom. The Midwife and I were shocked at the turn of events. I arrived, walked in the room, I see dad's face beaming with joy and excitement. Mom was clearly feeling the contractions now with her bottom wagging in the wind, hands and knees and rocking labor like I knew she would do. Before we could breath Mom had become complete and baby had put so much pressure on that already bulging bag that it ruptured and splattered all over the midwife and I. I have officially been christened with amniotic fluid all over my shirt. The energy in the room immediately increased. Baby had no plans of taking his time. The young man who name means King clearly had a plan to come in this world in thee most memorable way. I truly will not ever forget this day.

Mr. King you are going down in history.

My first Christening as a Doula you got to love it.

Tunisia Macklin
Peaceful Birthing Doula
Educate, Encourage, Empower and Serving Women

Born To Birth

Born to Birth

This Mom is very strong in appearance, athletic and in no way does she look like she is soon to deliver. After speaking with her Mother about their expectation and why she is screening Doulas I was excited knowing this family is prepared and fully conscious of the benefits of having a doula support during this precious moment.

This Mom and Dad you could tell are a quite but strong team. After speaking with them you hear the excitement in their voice for the year they are experiencing.

After 41 weeks Mom and Dad have patiently waited to meet their baby Boy. Labour was easy for this Mom. I laughed because she completely confused me. I arrived at her home to asses the situation, to see if she in fact was in labour. She had been experiencing contractions for days off and on again. There had been no steady pattern and according to her no strength. Once I arrived and observed her quietly i realized It was official she is in labour. However, her pain threshold is very high.

After going for a walk and doing some squats with a little laughter and silliness thrown in there started a great pattern. this mother truly was strong. I realized this Momma was a runner. she had run many 5k's and a marathon. I had to remember when you train for marathons you have to push past that burn. you have to tolerate pain mentally in a different way. We laughed when I told "her you have complete confused me I have to deal with you in a different way. Your threshold for pain is unlike any Mother I have ever assisted".

As she rested in the bedroom to prepare for the labour marathon I relaxed and got me some sleep. While rested with massage and the soft aroma of lavender going  I was surprised she was able to sleep through the night. I was finally told around 7am "I am more uncomfortable but I am still able to manage". Not much later did I finally hear the words I'm ready to go to the hospital. Everyone heads over to the hospital ready to finally meet baby Justice. It was great arriving and finding out Mom is 5cm dilated. All the work and rest helped baby make his way closer to hi Mom and Dad.

Dad had been calm from the very moment I met him. He always have had calm demeanor. This Mom and Dad have had a start to a great year and to add the ready to give birth of their Baby boy on the day They were hoping for some exciting. Nothing shook this family no matter what the Dr. said they were calm and confident that everything was under control.

This Mom is ready to give birth to her baby Boy. After some work and determination Mom gave birth to her Baby Boy with a little assistance and love. Baby Justice had another plan and Mom and Dad was ready for every challenge with confidence and love. It was so beautiful watching this Mom go on this journey and experience her baby entering this world.